Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Wednesday, February 18th, 2009 (295 lbs.) We got to the Tufts Medical Center surgery center at just about 6:00 AM. I was about 15th in line to check in. I got my stylish hospital gown and then waited for them to call me for my surgery time of 7:30 AM. It was like clockwork. At exactly 7:30 they called my name and walked Sarah and I towards the O.R.. Sarah could only go half way and she was told to wait in waiting room #6 where Dr. Kim would visit her after my procedure. They rolled me into the prep area where they get you IV'd up, sedated, and the anesthesiologist speaks to you. All of the other patients there were non-elective, whereas my surgery was elective. The non-elective candidates all went before me, and then there was an emergency surgery that held my team up for just a little while. The finally rolled me into the O.R., and I guess I had myself extremely relaxed because as I was looking around at all of the hi-tech equipment and Laparoscopic instruments I was given a face mask and then I was out like a lite. I don't even remember being asked to count backwards from one hundred. (WARNING: GRAPHIC DETAILS) If you look at the diagram above, the picture on the left shows my stomach before Gastric Bypass. Everything comes into your normal stomach, goes out through your large intestine, then your small intestine, through your bowels, and then off to the potty. The diagram on the right shows that Dr. Kim made a small 2 oz. pouch, attached my small intestine to it bypassing my large intestine, and taking a shortcut to the end of the digestive track. Simple wasn't it? I guess that part is for those of you who are considering GB. If you are just reading this just because you know me, sorry.

The next thing I remember was Sarah telling me it was time to wake up. (Apparently the nurses couldn't wake me up). I remember looking up and seeing her, but most of all I remember feeling OK. I was aware of the mild pain in my stomach, but that was being taken care of by that wonderful drip coming from the I.V. bottle. I was so happy to see Sarah, and although she wasn't able to stay for long we both knew the surgery was over, and I was on the road to recovery and a new life. Next: My New Menu.

Monday, February 16, 2009

The day before surgery

(299 lbs.) It's 2:38 AM and I'm in my home office trying to tie up some loose ends before my surgery tomorrow. I'd be lying if I told you I wasn't a little anxious. Even though I've done all the prep work and read all of the material, my mind is still racing with questions. I had my pre-surgical appointments last Friday morning. I am totally impressed with Tufts NMC. I met with the surgeons assistant, had some blood work done, got an EKG, a chest x-ray, and met with the anesthesiologist. They answered all my questions and told me what to expect when i go in tomorrow morning at 6:00 AM. Wow, I can't believe it's almost here. I had a geat lunch meeting w/ my DJ friends today at TGI Friday's. I've been calling it my "Full Portion Farewell Tour". I had a steak w/ mash potatoes. I did my Monday night "It's Trivia Time" show earlier tonight at The Piccadilly Pub in Foxboro. My mom, sister Wendy, Sarah and the kids came. It was a lot of fun. I've put together three weeks worth of trivia material for my replacements. I hope to be back on the job doing "lite duty" by March 2nd. Sarah will be coming with me to a few jobs till I can start lifting again. I've been telling everyone about my Gastric Bypass procedure. Everyone has been very supportive. I've always been very open about my weight loss and weight gain. The way I explain it now is "I'm just shrinking my gas tank". Later today I'm getting a haircut, putting my overnight bag together, taking a few "before pictures", and eating very lite. God I hope I sleep Tuesday night.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

I've got a date with a surgeon

(14 days and counting) Life has been on hold for the last few months. Since fall of 2008 I have been planning everything around a date for my Gastric Bypass Surgery. I had three available holes in my DJ schedule that would give me enough time to recuperate and be ready for my next gig. The first available hole Jan 1 - Jan 31st passed. I had just begun the process with Tufts NE Medical Center. I had explained my availability to them and they were very accommodating, but I still had to finish the required process which I have explained in an earlier blog. My next hole was Feb 16 - Mar 6th, followed by Apr 6th - Apr 25th. As it got closer to my second hole I started to get frustrated. It had been more than a month since I met w/ my Surgeon and was approved for surgery and I was just waiting for the phone to ring w/ a date. I was on a mission this past Monday to get a date. I was going to call Tufts or even go in there if I had to. I made the phone call. I spoke to Tania, the surgeon's assistant. She was great. I got my date. Wednesday February 18th, 2009 at 7:30 AM. My original surgeon Dr. Shah will be on maternity leave so I requested the first available. It turned out to be Dr. Kim the surgeon who did my sisters GB. Tania called me on Tuesday afternoon to confirm. We set up appointments to meet Dr. Kim, and my anesthesiologist on the Friday before surgery. Once I hung up the phone it finally hit me. in two weeks I am having a Gastric Bypass. Wow!

My wife Sarah has been just amazing through the whole planning phase. We tend to take our marriage on as a series of projects. Although I know Sarah is very concerned about The GB, she knows that it will have many health benefits in the long run. Because Sarah works at a school she will be on February school vacation. She also arranged to take the following Monday and Tuesday off to take care of "The Old Man". My mother and sister live right across the street if I need some company after Sarah goes back to work. I really appreciate the family support circle. It's important. Next on my agenda, before pictures. I also need to finish gathering all of my "new food" for my post GB diet, and set up a comfortable recovery camp in the house. I'll keep you posted.