Friday, July 27, 2012

It's been a while

July 27th, 2012

On Wednesday February 18th, 2009 my life changed for ever. I chose Gastric Bypass to help save my own life. Now, three years and five months later it's becoming harder to maintain the "Mindful Eating" habits that I've since learned. My motivation to exercise and eat right is lacking big time. It seems to me to be the same laundry list of bad habits. Lack of structure in my daily habits, poor food choices, eating at night, and on, and on, and on. So why am I posting? Since post #1, I chose to do this through good times and not so good times. This is one of those not so good times. Structure is very important. My short term goal is to add some structure to my day starting with more exercise and better food choices. Exercise has so many benefits and I have to remember that. Good food choices do as well. Exercise helps mentally and physically by raising your endorphin levels. The better I feel, the more I do. Sugar kills me. Although I'm still in my goal range at 185 lbs I feel like a 321 lb lump of nothing after last nights peanut butter and pretzels at 1:00 AM. Tomorrow I'm headed to Sunapee NH with family. I love walking the Berkhaven loop. It's quite a workout. So let's see where a couple of days of sunshine and exercise take me. I'll let you know.

Gary, can you give me some advice?

I just got another e-mail from a very good friend asking me for some help with their Food Addiction. I get asked that a lot. My short answer is no. I never say it meaning to be rude by not sharing "my secret", because I am, and always will be an addict.
Although I've maintained my body weight of 180 pounds for nearly two years, it's mostly due to medical science. My stomach went from the size of a football to the size of an egg and I simply can't eat as much as I used to. When I eat to much I don't feel good. I choose to feel good 99% of the time, but I do have my weak moments. I am very grateful for the success that I have had, but I am also very aware that I could fall off the wagon at anytime and start gaining weight.
It's easier for me to have a conversation with someone who has had a Gastric Bypass procedure and needs a little helping jump-starting their program again. It's usually someone who is many more years out than me. Although they may appreciate my help, I appreciate theirs much more. They help keep me on track.
As for my friend who recently asked me for help I can only suggest that they read my previous posts. I am always very open and honest. I know how they feel, and I do feel their pain. I have lost and gained more than a thousand pounds in my adult life. I struggled with the all of the feelings that go with being obese since I was in junior high school and shopping in the "husky" section. I had my GB after a lot of thought and prayers, but as I said before, I am and always will be an addict. I fight it every day. As far as my food addiction goes I'm doing On the days that I decide to use all of the tools in my box
As far as deciding upon having a GB procedure, I can give you my thoughts on that. Do the research and decide if it's for you or not.