Saturday, January 10, 2009

Getting ready for my Gastric Bypass

(Weight 299.5 lbs) Long story short, I'm waiting to have a Gastric Bypass (GB). I'm 51 years and 11 months old as of this post and I've been overweight (morbidly obese is the medical term) for at least 40 of those years. I have been thinking about it for a while now, even before my sister had the procedure done two years ago. Diets, you name it...I've done it. I have lost more than fifty pounds at least a half dozen times in my adult life. The problem is, I've always gained the weight back and then some. You may (or may not) be thinking "why not just maintain a proper diet and exercise program"? Well, that's just not my M/O. Obesity runs in my family. Most of my mothers side of the family are (were) BIG people. As far as the passing of the genes go I would have settled for just her good looks but I got the whole package, appetite and all. The rest of the package was the gift. A great Italian heritage, good work ethic, sense of humor...Oh enough about me. I began researching Bariatric Surgery centers in the Boston areas about four months ago. I had spoken to my wife about it just after my sisters GB. She said "absolutely NO WAY" so I proceeded to follow my favorite low carb diet and a regular exercise program. I went from 321 lbs. to 250lbs. With the help of a great coach I lost 71 lbs and I was looking and feeling great. It wasn't long before I fell off the wagon and started to slowly gain the weight back. I swore I wouldn't do it again but I was doing it again. Same M/O, back to bad eating habits, exercise went from the top to the bottom of my schedule and my weight gain frustration was crippling me.


  1. Just remember you’re not doing this alone. In addition to your family, you have an extended family… of friends! You get all our support, without the any inherited flaws! Cool uh. Make sure you use this gift. Tell us what you need. Assign us a few jobs, delegate, and let us help! -K

  2. Gary,

    Usually I would never say what’s on my mind to someone I barely know, like you and I; however we do know each other by “working” together for a good cause and not on a personal note. My first reaction to your Bio was “oh no”, like your wife, but I have thought about your background and your personal fight and send this email to you to congratulate you for taking the next step in giving yourself better healthy years ahead.

    From your Bio I understand what Sarah was feeling. You are very lucky to have a wife to say I love you just the way you are; however when it comes to making an important decision in our lives we all sometime don’t take a step back and think how your spouse is feeling health wise, physically and most importantly mentally about themselves.

    Thank you for sharing your story and I look forward to being a part of your new life and following your recovery! If there is anything you need from this end I will be happy to help out, just please ask!

    Something you may not know about me is that I love quotes and poems. There is a poem that I find every motivational when you think life isn’t fair and I would like to share that with you, I hope you don’t mind.


    Hold On

    There have been times in my life
    when all seemed lost.
    Life just wasn't worth living
    through another day.
    Then you need to remember things
    that are important to you.

    For as low as we fall there is always
    something or someone, somewhere,
    to help pull you back
    from the deep pits of darkness.
    Once you feel yourself slipping
    grab on to that something or someone.

    We wonder why life has given us such
    a bad deal. This is not to question.
    Love, Hope and Faith will guide us.
    Look around and find the things
    you need to live for.
    If we look hard enough,
    we will find the place we need to be.

    Hold on for your loved ones,
    hold on for yourself.
    Make the most of what you have.
    Give the most that you can,
    love the best you can,
    And never lose hope.

    Each morning you wake up
    Thank God you are still alive,
    to live another day to find your way.

    Life is truly worth living for, if you look.
    Find that place you need to be
    And just hold on.

    Ann Taylor
