Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Planning my Gastric Bypass

I've been preparing for this since the end of last summer (2008). My wife and I agreed that I am a good candidate for GB. After 51 years I know how to lose weight. It's simple. Less input, and more output. It's keeping it off that's been the hard part for me. At 5'9" and nearly 300 lbs I qualify because I'm more than 100 lbs. overweight and I have a BMI (Body Mass Index) of 44. I've always carried my weight fairly well. The biggest comment I get from people when discussing this is "300 lbs. No way". I began by talking with friends and relatives who have had a GB. I asked them about the sudden and drastic change in their eating habits. I asked them how they felt during recovery, and I asked them about their new eating habits. If you think that a GB is the end-all to your weight problems, think again. GB only reduces the size if your stomach. It does not change your bad eating habits. That is something I will be working on as well. My plan is to be a model patient. Go by the book, follow the diet, lose my weight, and get on with my life. God, how many times have I said that before. That's where the GB gives me an advantage. Basically what will happen is the doctor's will reduce the size of my stomach from the size of a football to the size of my thumb. I've watched the procedure , and I've chosen Tufts New England Medical Center to do my surgery. They have been great. It all started with a phone call to the Obesity Consultation Center (OCC) at Tufts. They asked me a few questions, pre-registered me, and then scheduled me for a consultation. So after months of thought I had my first meeting at the OCC on 12/15/08. I didn't sleep the night before because of my anticipation so my 9:00 AM appointment came way too early for this night owl. Never the less I got up, grabbed a cup of coffee, and got there 40 minutes early. I checked in and took a wall seat in the waiting area expecting to take a catnap, but before I knew it they called my name at 8:45. (Dr. Lowney please take note...They took me early.) I met with Dr. Stiles the manager of the OCC. Dr. Stiles spoke with me about my choice of surgery, the Gastric Bypass. She weighed me (310 lbs.), and took a measurement of my chest (56"), and my neck (20"). She took my blood pressure, felt my abdomen and immediately told me that I would have to lose some weight before the surgery to decrease the fat around my liver. That would make it easier for the surgeons to work laparoscopically. She asked me a long list of questions about my medical history. Dr. Stiles went over the pre-qualifications list with me. (I have to lose 5 - 10% of my body weight prior to my surgery date. I have to complete 2 medical visits, meet with my dietitian Meghan Ariagno 1-2 times, meet with my Psychologist Dr. Izzy Greenberg 2 times, meet with my surgeon Dr. Sajani Shah, and complete a new patient orientation called Immersion Day.) I was then sent to the lab for blood work and an EKG. I was done within an hour and sent on my way. I was very excited and full of information.

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