Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Waiting

(Weight in picture from 1985, 180 lbs. Weight today, 294 lbs.) I had my last required group meeting at The OCC at Tufts N.E. Medical Center. I also had my second of two required meetings with my Nutritionist Meghan Ariagno, RD, LDN. I was also hoping to get a surgery date yesterday, but did not. (Ho-hum.) I know the surgery will happen in the not to distant future but (I hear a song coming) the waiting is the hardest part. After checking with the OCC office manager Lorraine (I hope that's her name. God she is so funny, and a big Mike Lowell fan) I met with my Nutritionist. Meghan weighed me. I was happy to see that I had lost 15 pounds since the program began five weeks ago. (I have been following the basic South Beach diet.) The required weight loss of 5 - 10 % of your body weight isn't only to show them that you are a dedicated member of the program, but also to lose the fat around your liver and make it easier for the surgeons to operate laparoscopically rather than making a large incision. Meghan and I then discussed my post surgery diet starting from the day of my surgery. Stage 1 - My diet will consist of 1 oz. or water per hour. Stage 2- Clear liquids. 3 oz. of sugar free gelatin and or bouillon consumed 3 times per day, with sips of water or flat diet ginger ale between meals. Stage 3 - 5 meals per day. About 600 calories, 70 grams of protein, and 64+ oz. of fluids. This is the diet I will be discharged from the hospital with. 64+ Oz. of fluids. 60 to 70 grams of liquid protein, skim milk, light yogurts, cottage cheese, egg beaters, and low-fat cream soups. Go back and take a look at the 2nd entry of my blog. Quite a difference compared to the diet I had been following. If you are reading this blog to decide if Gastric Bypass is for you please remember that the diet is just one part of the program. Changing my relationship with food is the outcome that I am aiming for. GB is not a magic bullet, it's one of many tools that I will be using for the rest of my life. At this moment I am very focused. I have begun to give up MINDLESS eating and am beginning MINDFUL eating. I have gone form bags and boxes to single servings. I am going from un-healthy choices to healthy choices. I love not feeling full all the time. I love not feeling guilty and ashamed all the time. I absolutely know that even after the surgery I will still gain weight if I go back to my old habits. My new mantra, "Never Again". Wish me luck.

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